
Send Digital Customer Forms with Square Appointments

With Square Appointments, you can automatically send digital forms for free once a new appointment is booked with your business, by enabling this feature on your Appointments dashboard. You can manually send digital forms for free in the Contracts Dashboard, for one-off cases or if you need to manually re-send a form to a customer.

You can create custom form templates to fit your unique business needs, such as intake forms or cancellation policy agreements, receive and track customer agreements, and choose to have forms sent to customers who book at all locations or only at certain locations. Before you send your customers a form, you will need to create a Square Contracts template.

Create Contract Templates

Create your own contract template or build an entirely new contract template from scratch to meet the needs of your business.

To create a contract template for a location:

  1. Go to your online Square Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Customers > Contracts > Templates > Create a Template.

  3. Make at least one clause, then click Save.

You can create a custom template from scratch or build a custom template based on one of the Square predefined templates:

  • To create a custom template from scratch, select New template under Custom templates to create a custom template from scratch. 

  • To create a custom template based on one of the Square predefined templates, select the Square template you want to start with from Standard templates.

  1. Once the template type has been selected, add details into the Template information and Contract information sections > Next.

  2. Add clauses or fields to the contract. Custom templates require you to add at least one clause or field in order to save. 

  3. Review and click Next to save your template.

Note: Custom contract fields are available with an Appointments Plus or Premium or Invoices Plus subscription. Learn more about upgrading your Square Appointments subscription.

Enable Automated Digital Forms

When you enable automated digital forms, form links are automatically included in SMS and appointment email notifications. Your clients will see the message: Please complete forms before your appointment” with links to your forms. Once a customer books an appointment, all forms are included in the message.

A maximum of four links display for SMS notifications, and there is no limit for email notifications. If you choose None as your notification method and forms are set up, you will see a warning banner displayed to alert you that customers will not receive a notification about the appointment and will not receive their form links.

From your Square Appointments dashboard

Make sure you already created a contract template. Automated digital forms are not compatible with classes. To get started:

  1. Sign in to your online Square Dashboard

  2. Select “Add form” to add a template to automatically send.

  3. Select whether you want forms to send to all customers or only customers who haven’t completed this form before, and/or for all services or specific services only.

  4. Click Save.

Forms will now deliver automatically to customers when they book according to the rules you set.

View Forms

To view sent forms:

  1. In your Square Appointments app, go to Appointments Details. 

  2. Under Sent Contracts you can see all contracts sent and their signature status. You can also tap each contract to view the PDF version.

Make sure you enable automated digital forms on your Square Appointments Dashboard to view Sent Contracts and the signature status. 

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