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Transfer Items Between Square Accounts

If you have created a new Square account and would like to duplicate the Items in an existing Square account into your new account, the Import/Export tool can be used, but additional steps are required.

Export Your Item Library

  1. Visit Items & Orders > Items in your online Square Dashboard.

  2. Click Actions > Export.

  3. Choose to download and Excel or CSV file > Export.

Modify Excel File

Once you have downloaded your Excel file, you’ll need to make a couple of changes before transferring your items to your second account.

Delete Location Specific Tokens

The first column in your Excel spreadsheet will display a Token. Tokens are unique labels created by Square for every item variation, to copy items in a new account the token field must be blank.

  1. Open your exported Excel file.

  2. Delete all of the tokens within the Token column.

Note: Do not delete the entire column. The Token column and Token column header are required to successfully import.

Before Deleting:
Hyperlinked Image
After Deleting:

Edit Location Specific Names

If your new account contains different location names, you will need to update the names of the locations in the location-specific headers to match the new location names. In the images below, the location name is being changed from SF to LA. If you do not use Inventory Management, many of the cell values may be blank, you can leave them blank.

  1. Open the exported Excel file

  2. Change the location name in the location-specific headers

Before updating:

After updating:

Note: If the account that you are copying from contains more locations than the new account, you do not need to remove the extra location-specific columns. The extra columns will be ignored.

If the account that you are copying from contains fewer locations than the new account, you must add additional location-specific columns to match. The only location-specific column that every location is required to have is the “Enabled Location” column. The other location-specific columns are optional.

Prepare the New Account

Although your Excel file will include modifier and tax information, before you can import, you will need to recreate all of your modifier sets and taxes on the new account.

  1. Sign into your existing account.

  2. Record the names of your modifier sets, modifiers, and taxes.

  3. Log out of the account.

  4. Sign into your new account.

  5. Recreate the modifier sets and taxes.

Note: If you have more than 50 modifier sets, please contact Square Support and we can help you copy your modifier sets to the new account.

Import the Excel

  1. Log in to the account that you want to copy the items into.

  2. Head to your Item Library > Actions > Import Library.

  3. Use the “Import Inventory” form to double check the columns in your document.* If you updated the Excel correctly, the columns should be chosen automatically. However, if there is a typo, you might need to select them manually.

  4. If the import fails, resolve the errors specified in the error messages and try again.


Modifier Name Not Defined

If you receive an error message that indicates that a modifier name is not defined, it means that the account that you exported from contains a modifier set that does not exist in the new account. You can resolve this issue by doing either of the following:

  • Create a modifier set with the same name in the new account

  • Delete the modifier set column from the Excel file

Tax Name Not Defined

If you receive an error message that indicates that a tax name is not defined, it means that the account that you exported from contains a tax that does not exist in the new account. You can resolve this issue by doing either of the following:

  • Create a tax with the same name and percentage in the new account

  • Delete the tax column from the Excel file

Learn more about troubleshooting your item import file.