Home>Import & Export Customers

Import Customers Online

With the bulk import tool, you can upload and manage multiple customer profiles at once from your Customer Directory on your online Square Dashboard.

Upload Template

We’ve created a custom template based on your customer attributes. This template will show you how to structure your data for an easy, successful import.

Download the Customer Profile Template >

Upload Customer Profiles

From your online Square Dashboard, you can also upload customer profiles in bulk. To do so:

  1. Go to Customers > Directory tab.

  2. Click Import Customers.

  3. Drag and drop your customer CSV file into the upload field or click select it from your computer to upload the file > click Continue.

  4. Confirm your customers’ details are in the correct columns. If there are errors, click the drop-down menu to the right of the field and select the correct field. Note: If you need to add customer details that don’t currently fit into the default fields, you can add custom fields to your directory before importing contacts.

  5. Click Import to move this group to your Customer Directory.

Note: All customers added will be within a new group created for your import.

Import Customer Profiles

File Type Support

Prepare the customers you would like to import in a tool, such as Excel, and save it as a .CSV file. Data that is not saved as a .CSV file can’t be uploaded into our system.


Preferred formats are YYYY-MM-DD and MM-DD-YYYY.


Preferred formats are MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD, and MM-DD-YYYY.

Phone Number

The preferred phone number format includes the phone’s country code before the number. If no country code is provided, it may be assumed based on the customer’s country.


To make sure your address is entered in the correct format, be sure to separate each part of your address into a different column and correctly match each part of your address to the correct field.


Preferred format is yes/no or true/false.


Both integers and fractional numbers are supported.

Email Subscription Status

When importing via CSV, you can set an opt-in status per each email you’re importing by having a separate status column, titled Email Subscription Status. You are able to set the status to Subscribed, Unsubscribed, or Unknown. Any cells on the CSV with a blank or null value will be populated with an Unknown status. Email addresses that are uploaded and marked as Subscribed need to be immediately available to market to.

Note: If you are importing customer information for use with Square Email Marketing, only send marketing communications to customers who have consented to receive marketing emails from your business. You are responsible for ensuring the customers on your list have given explicit permission to contact them and for compliance with all applicable laws. Review our terms for more information.

Error Troubleshooting

Find below a list of the most common importing errors and solutions.

Error Message Troubleshooting Steps
Invalid toggle format See supported field types above.
Invalid date format See supported field types above.
Invalid email See supported field types above.
Invalid number format See supported field types above.
Invalid phone See supported field types above.
Invalid CSV headers or The file is missing a header line Make sure a header row exists for your dataset. To add one, use a tool like Excel to add a row to the top of your document.
Your file appears to be empty Review your file and ensure it has the necessary data for your upload.
Extra quotation Check your file for the usage of a single quotation (“) and remove it.
Parsing Error An undetectable parsing error has occurred.
File contents are empty Your file appears to be empty.