
Set up real-time shipping with Square Online

Note: Set up Real Time Shipping by upgrading your Square Online subscription.

Real Time Shipping (RTS) offers the most accurate shipping rates and helps avoid under or over charging for shipping in North America. While checking out from your Square Online site, carriers will provide dynamic rate estimates based on distance, weight, and the number of boxes needed to ship your items.

Note: Since RTS rates are estimates, they may differ from the actual postage you pay based on the final weight and box size. Additionally, you can use a combination of RTS and manual shipping rates when setting up shipping for your site.

Before you begin

Shipping settings in Square Online are moving from Square Online to Account & Settings in your Square Dashboard, that way you can manage all shipments—whether for an in-person or online sale—from one place. More details will be made available about the transition as they come.

For more information on managing shipping rates in Account & Settings, check out how to Create and manage shipping rate profiles with Square.

To use RTS, you'll need the following:

Carrier accounts

  • United States: For sellers based in the US, we provide master accounts with United States Postal Service (USPS) and DHL Express. You can connect additional carriers such as UPS and FedEx.
  • Canada and Mexico: Sellers in Canada and Mexico can use personal DHL Express, UPS, FedEx, or Canada Post accounts. If using your own account, you’ll need to know account information such as your ID, password, meter number (for FedEx), and other details.

Shipping boxes

You’ll also need at least one shipping box configured for estimating shipping rates. The dimensions, max weight, and item capacity of the boxes are used to determine the total number of boxes needed to ship an order. A default box will be created for you, but you can edit the settings for that box and add additional box sizes as needed.

Item weights

RTS provides rate estimates based on the total weight of the items in an order, so you’ll need to specify a weight for each of your shippable items.

Proceed below for more details.

Configure your carriers accounts


US based sellers have access to master accounts with USPS and DHL that offer discounted shipping rates for Square Online. These carrier accounts are already set up for you to take advantage of and require nothing additional on your part. You can also connect your own personal UPS, FedEx, or DHL account if you don't want to take advantage of our discounted rates through these master accounts.

If you want to use UPS, FedEx, or DHL to ship from Canada or Mexico, you must connect your own accounts. To use your own account:

  1. From your Square Online Overview page, go to Fulfillment > Shipping.

  2. Under "Shipping carriers," select Manage.

  3. Choose a carrier and enter your information.

  4. Select Done when finished.

Configure your shipping boxes


The default box setting for RTS is 10” x 10” x 10” with a max weight of 70 lbs. To change this:

  1. From your Square Online Overview page, go to Fulfillment > Shipping.

  2. Under "Shipping boxes," select Edit.

  3. Select +Create new to add a new box size. You can also select an existing box to edit it, or ••• to set a new default box or delete one.

  4. Edit the dimensions and maximum weight. You can also set an optional maximum number of items that will fit into the box.

  5. Select Save, then Done to finish.

  6. From your Square Online Overview page, go to Items > Site Items.

  7. Select an item from your list.

  8. Under Fulfillment, make sure Shipping is checked so you can choose a Shipping box size from the dropdown menu.

  9. Select Save when finished.

The default box will be used for items that don’t have a specific box assigned to them. If a customer places an order where more than one box size is needed, RTS will use multiples of the largest box size needed to accommodate the number and weight of items purchased.

For example, say you’re selling handmade pottery in varying sizes and weights, including coffee mugs and large vases. The default box size comfortably fits two of your coffee mugs, so you can set the maximum items to two and the max weight to the same as two coffee mugs. However, you need a much larger box for the vase, so you create a second box that is 18” x 18” x 18” with an item capacity of one vase and a max weight that matches the vase weight. You'd then edit each item and associate them with the corresponding box to ensure that the larger box is used if someone purchases a vase.

Add your item weights

RTS provides rate estimates based on the total weight of the items in an order. You can set up weights for your items in Square Item Library. Learn how to Create and manage items from Square Dashboard for details.

Note: If the weight of all items in an order is 0, the weight will automatically default to 0.1 lb/kg. When setting up the RTS rate, you can also add an adjustment fee to account for any packaging & handling costs.

Create a Real Time Shipping rate

Once you've set up the above, you can create your RTS rate. To start:

  1. From your Square Online Overview page, go to Fulfillment > Shipping.

  2. Under "Shipping profiles," select Add shipping profile.

  3. Enter a name for the profile and choose a profile type.

  4. Select +Add countries and check United States. Select Done.

  5. Select Add rate and choose Real-time shipping rates from the dropdown menu.

  6. Choose your carrier and complete all other details. Select Done.

  7. Review your profile and select Save when finished.

Note: Rates for RTS have a fallback rate option, which is what applies when the shipping carrier can't supply a shipping rate automatically.

Creating a RTS rate is just like setting up a manual shipping rate. Learn more about how to create shipping rates in Square Online.


How do I connect to FedEx or UPS?

To start:

  1. From your Square Online Overview page, go to Fulfillment > Shipping.
  2. Under “Shipping carriers,” select Manage.
  3. Select either FedEx or UPS, and enter your account information.
  4. Select Save when finished.

Learn more about connecting to FedEx and UPS with Square Online.

How do I get a FedEx meter number?

In order to use your FedEx account with RTS, you’ll need to enter your FedEx meter number. This number is given to you when you move your FedEx account from test to production.

To locate your FedEx meter number, go to the FedEx Developer Resource Center and click on Move to Production > Get Production Key to get started.

Learn more about connecting to FedEx and UPS with Square Online for more information on getting your Meter Number.

How do I connect to Canada Post?

To start:

  1. From your Square Online Overview page, go to Fulfillment > Shipping.
  2. Under “Shipping carriers,” select Manage.
  3. Select Canada Post and enter your account information.
  4. Select Save when finished.

What do I need to connect to Canada Post?

Complete and obtain the following items to set up Canada Post with Square Online:

  • Real Time Shipping: Set up Real Time Shipping right from the Square Online Overview page.
  • Canada Post Business Account: When you first sign up, you have to convert the new personal account to a business account before you can access the developer API. It doesn’t cost anything to convert and is done directly on the Canada Post website.
  • Customer number: Found on the Canada Post website.
  • API username & password: Found on the Canada Post website.

Learn more about setting up Canada Post in the Shippo support center.