
Disable Your Square Appointments Online Booking Site

Disabling online booking means that customers won’t be able to view your booking site – it’s best to remove any embedded booking buttons from your website before taking this action.

Disable Your Online Booking Site Online

You can disable your online booking site with just a couple of clicks from your online Square Dashboard.

To get started:

  1. Head to your Appointments dashboard > Online Booking.

  2. Click Visibility and Display.

  3. Select Disable Online Booking Site > Disable.

The page will update with a message verifying that your site is disabled.

Disable Your Online Booking Site From the App

You can also disable your online booking site from the Appointments app.

To do so:

  1. From the navigation bar > tap Online Booking.

  2. Toggle off Enable Booking Site.

Disable Your Online Booking Site on Square Register

To disable your online booking site when using Square Appointments on Square Register:

  1. Navigate to Online Booking.

  2. Select Square Booking Site.

  3. Toggle off Enable Booking Site.

Reactivate Online Booking Site

If you decide that you would like to make your online booking site live, you can update at any time:

  1. Head to your Appointments dashboard > Online Booking.

  2. Click Visibility and Display.

  3. Select Reactivate Now.

You can verify that your booking site is active by clicking Booking Site > View Site.

Read more about using Appointments online booking.

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