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Run close of day report with Square for Restaurants

Who is this article for?
This article is for restaurant owners or managers who use Square Restaurants POS and have the necessary permissions to run a close of day report in the Square Restaurants POS app. Learn more about team member permissions with Square for Restaurants.

Before you begin

Customised closing procedures and close of day reporting require a Square for Restaurants Plus or Premium subscription.

Running the Close of Day report is the last action taken by your managers before ending service. Your Close of Day report includes a full rundown of your numbers for the day: bill details (bill comped, voided, etc.), gross and net sales, payment methods, category sales, and item sales.

Running Close of Day will settle all card tips. Close of Day does not account for fees accrued. Close of day reporting is not available while processing offline payments.

You can ensure your close of day report is accurate by completing the following: 

  • Fix all unadjusted tips. Running Close of Day will settle card tips for closed bills.

  • Close all open bills. Open bills won’t be included in your report.

  • Declare cash tips. If your staff are still clocked in, make sure they have declared any cash tips.

Run your close of day report

Once your staff complete the required close of day procedures, you can run your Close of Day report.

  1. Open your Square Restaurants POS app and tap Account > Run Close of Day.

  2. If required, you can close any open bills and cash drawers, adjust tips, and clock out team members from the close of day preview.

  3. Tap Run Close of Day > Run Close of Day.

  4. Tap Print to print a copy of your close of day reports. To print your close of day report, your device must be connected to a receipt printer.

Run your shift report

When a team member is ready to close out a shift, they’ll need to run a shift report to view their card tips and cash owed to the house before clocking out. Before running your report, you can adjust any tips, close any open bills, or declare cash tips if needed. 

To run a shift report from the Square POS app on iPad:

  1. Log in to the app using your personal passcode and tap Account.

  2. Tap Run Shift Report. If the figures look low, a team member may have processed payments before clocking in — you can customise the time frame by tapping Edit Report.

You can only run a shift report if you complete all outstanding tasks, such as closing all bills or adjusting card tips. You can adjust these tasks by going to Devices > Service Settings > Closing Procedures in your online Square Dashboard. Additionally, the option to print your shift report will be disabled if your printer is not connected to your device.

Next steps

Learn more about other reporting specific to Square for Restaurants:

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