
Create a Service from the Square Appointments App

You can create a service directly from the Square Appointments app.

You are also able to add variations and modifiers to your services. For example, charging less for short- vs long-hair services. If you are looking to bulk-upload a list of your services from a CSV file or import them from your website, learn more about uploading an existing list of services.

Create Service

To get started:

  1. From the app navigation bar, tap Items andServices.

  2. Select the + symbol.

  3. Enter the service details and decide which staff members can perform the services.

  4. Tap Save.

Read more about getting started with Square Appointments.

Add a Variation to a Service

You can use variations to customise service duration and pricing. To get started:

  1. Select a service you’d like to add a variation to from the Service Library > click Add Variation.

  2. Enter variation name, price details and duration > Online Booking.

  3. For each variation, choose whether or not the variation will be bookable online and what team members can preform the service variation > Locations.

  4. Choose which locations this service is available at > Create and Add Another or select > Done.

  5. Click Save.

Add service cost 

You can add service cost for single or multiple variations. To get started:

From the Square Dashboard

  1. From the main menu, select Items > Service Library.

  2. Select the variations you would like to edit.

  3. Toggle Track Service Cost On.

  4. Select the Cost type and the Service cost.

  5. Click Save.

Add service cost 

You can add service cost for single or multiple variations. To get started:

From the Square Dashboard

  1. From the main menu, select Items > Service Library.

  2. Select the variations you would like to edit.

  3. Toggle Track Service Cost On.

  4. Select the Cost type and the Service cost.

  5. Click Save.

Note: service cost is available under Square Appointments Premium . This includes both setting a service cost and deducting service cost from commissions.

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