Sales in Practice: What You Need to Know
The information provided below is for informational purposes only, is not intended to be construed as legal or any other type of professional advice or guidance and may not be accurate or suitable for your specific situation.
The basic process of selling is much the same, no matter what kind of business you run or what channels you use. Here is a straightforward guide to maximizing sales in small businesses, and some specific sales tips.
An overview of sales for small businesses
Here are the eight key sales tips for small businesses.
Invest in marketing
Leverage technology to help you sell
Consider offering a buy-now-pay-later option
Implement a robust sales strategy
Be ready to break the ice
Use sales to make sales
Retain your customers
Always focus on outcomes
Here is a closer look at each of these sales tips.
Invest in marketing
In simple terms, make people aware that your product or service exists before they even think about buying it from your salesperson. That is what marketing is for.
Effective marketing generally works towards two main goals. The first is building relationships and trust with potential buyers. The second is making potential buyers aware of how your product or service can address pain points in their life.
The better you do your marketing, the more smoothly your sales process runs. The very best marketing can almost do a salesperson’s job for them. More usually, it leaves somebody almost ready to buy. The salesperson just has to guide them through the final step.
Leverage technology to help you sell
Use technology to help you deliver a frictionless sales process. If you’re selling online, generally, the easiest way to do this is to use a web-building solution that’s designed with sales in mind.
You can also sell through social media. This is also known as social selling. Either approach ensures that you deliver a great buyer experience without getting tangled up in technology.
If you’re selling in the real world, invest in software solutions that make your business run as seamlessly as online stores. In particular, connect your payment system to your inventory-management software so you always know what is in stock and where it is.
Remember that buyers often choose to shop in the real world because they want their items immediately. This means that it’s vital to stay on top of your inventory.
Consider offering a buy-now-pay-later option
For higher-value sales, consider offering a buy-now-pay-later option. This makes it possible for buyers to spread the cost of their purchases without using a credit card or a personal/business loan. Out-of-the-box solutions like Afterpay make it quick and simple for even small merchants to offer BNPL.
Implement a robust sales strategy
Everything mentioned so far has essentially been about laying the ground for your sales professionals. The rest is down to your sales team. However, give your sales team a head start by making sure that they are familiar with these key sales tips.
Être prêt à briser la glace
Quel que soit le canal de vente que vous utilisez, il est utile d’établir un lien avec l’acheteur avant d’essayer activement de lui vendre quelque chose. En prenant un peu de temps pour apprendre à le connaître en tant qu’individu, il est souvent beaucoup plus facile de le faire progresser vers une vente.
Dans le monde réel
Si vous gérez un magasin dans le monde réel, soyez prêt à aller vers les gens et à leur parler. Il n’est presque jamais recommandé de commencer directement par un argumentaire de vente. S’ils semblent avoir besoin d’aide, le vendeur peut leur demander directement ce qu’il peut faire pour eux. En général, cependant, les meilleures ouvertures de vente sont des ouvertures de conversation ordinaires.
En ligne
Utilisez impérativement les médias sociaux pour établir un lien avec vos acheteurs potentiels. Essayez d’en tirer parti en proposant sur votre propre site Web un contenu supplémentaire, à forte valeur ajoutée, destiné à créer une relation.
Tout contenu qui aide les clients à résoudre un problème dans leur vie peut contribuer à renforcer le lien entre l’acheteur et le vendeur. Les webinaires sont particulièrement efficaces car ils comportent une dimension humaine. Ils peuvent également être enregistrés et utilisés plusieurs fois afin d’en tirer le maximum de valeur.
Ventes interentreprises
Les ventes inter-entreprises ont tendance à être réalisées en fonction des cycles d’achat et des flux de trésorerie de l’acheteur. En général, les acheteurs font des recherches sur les vendeurs potentiels. Ils sélectionnent ensuite une liste restreinte de vendeurs pour leur présenter un argumentaire de vente. Cela signifie que vous devez figurer sur cette liste pour avoir une chance de vendre à ce client.
Le démarchage téléphonique à l’ancienne peut encore avoir une certaine valeur. Toutefois, dans l’ensemble, sa valeur est en baisse pour toute une série de raisons. L’équivalent moderne consiste à établir des relations avec des acheteurs potentiels par le biais des médias sociaux, notamment LinkedIn, et des événements commerciaux pertinents, en ligne et dans le monde réel.
Use sales to make sales
This is probably one of the world’s oldest known sales tips and it still holds good today. What’s more, technology has made it even easier to implement.
Retain your customers
Step one is to ensure that you retain the customer your salesperson has just acquired for you. Realistically, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to buy from you again. It means that you need to ensure that, if they do buy, you are their first choice of seller.
In general, the best way to do this is to incentivize them to connect with you on social media. This allows you to build a long-term relationship with them. Incentivize your sales team to treat building your social media following as seriously as they treat selling your products or services.
Encourage customers to make referrals
Generating sales through referrals is generally one of the most effective sales tactics there is. Your initial customer does a lot of the selling for you. The very fact that they think your products/services are worth recommending is essentially the gold standard in social proof.
Always focus on outcomes
Remembering this sales tip can make a world of difference to a salesperson’s ability to close sales. In the real world, people do not actually want goods or services. They want solutions to problems.
For the most part, customers do not particularly care how a solution works or what features it has. They just want and need to be confident that it will solve their problem.
For completeness, there is a slight level of nuance here. Many people do care about the ethics and sustainability of what they buy. It’s therefore increasingly likely that they want reassurance on this front before they commit to any sales.
In general, however, the way to sell a product or service is to emphasize what problem it can solve, not how it goes about solving the problem.
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